

Farsi License Plate Detection based on Element Analysis and Characters Recognition



In this paper, a safe and powerful method is presented which can detect and identify Farsi license plate irrespective of distance (how far a vehicle is), rotation (angle between camera and vehicle), and contrast (being dirty, reflected, or deformed). In addition, more than one car can be existed in an image. The proposed method extracts edges and then determines the candidate regions by using adaptive image enhancement and applying window movement. Finally by region elements analysis, the license plates are detected. The region elements analysis is working according to the plate geometric structure, continuity and parallelism. After detecting license plates, we estimate rotation angle and try to compensate it. In order to identify a detected plate, every character should be recognized. For this purpose, we present 53 features and use them as input to artificial neural network classifier.


 1. Introduction
 2. Extracting edge
  2.1 Image enhancement
  2.2. Image edge detection
 3. Extracting candidate regions
  3.1. Window movement
  3.2. Candidate regions modification
  3.3. Candidate regions selection
 4. Analyzing region elements
  4.2. Character geometric analysis
  4.3. Character continuity analysis
  4.4. Character parallelism analysis
 5. Detection experimental results
 6. Compensating rotation
 7. Recognizing characters
  7.1. Zoning features
  7.2. Geometrical features
  7.3. Statistical features
 8. Recognition experimental results
 9. Conclusion


  • Mehran Rasooli Electrical Engineering Department, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran
  • Sedigheh Ghofrani Electrical Engineering Department, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran
  • Emad Fatemizadeh Department of Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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