

Securing Multimedia Transmission Using Optimized Multiple Huffman Tables Technique



Multimedia is one of the most popular data shared in the Web, and the protection of it via encryption techniques is of vast interest. In this paper, an Optimized Multiple Huffman Tables (OMHT) technique is proposed to face some compression and security problems found in Multiple Huffman Tables (MHT) technique. OMHT depends on using statistical-modelbased compression method to generate different tables from the same data type of images or videos to be encrypted leading to increase compression efficiency and security of the used tables. A systematic study on how to strategically integrate different atomic operations to build a multimedia compression-encryption system is presented. The resulting system can provide superior performance over both generic encryption and its simple adaptation to multimedia in terms of a joint consideration of security, and bitrate overhead. The effectiveness of this scheme is verified through a series of experiments, and the robustness of our approach is demonstrated by comparing it against a standard compression technique, JPEG on which the MHT technique is built.


 1. Introduction
 2. Optimized Multiple Huffman Tables Technique
 3. OMHT Performance Analysis
  3.1. Assessment Based On Video Quality
  3.2. Assessment Based On Subjective Evaluation
  3.3. Assessment based on cryptographic analysis
 4. Conclusion


  • Shaimaa A. El-said Electronics and Communication Department-Faculty of Engineering- Zagazig University- Egypt
  • El-said, Khalid F. A. Hussein Microwaves Department- Electronics research institute- Egypt
  • Mohamed M. Fouad Electronics and Communication Department- Faculty of Engineering- Zagazig University- Egypt


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