In this paper, we present a new blind digital image watermarking method. We introduce interval wavelet decomposition, which is a combination of a discrete wavelet transform and interval arithmetic, and we examine its properties. According to our experimental results, this combination is a good way to produce a kind of redundancy from the original image and to develop new watermarking methods. Thanks to this property, we can obtain specific frequency components where the watermark is embedded. We describe the procedure of our method in detail and its relations with the human visual system (HVS). We also give some experimental results demonstrating that our method gives watermarked images of better quality and is robust against attacks such as clipping, marking, and JPEG and JPEG2000 compressions.
1. Introduction
2. Interval arithmetic
3. Interval wavelet decomposition
4. Watermarking Algorithm
5. Considerations in the proposed algorithm
5.1. Parameter selection
5.2. Relationship between our method and HVS
5.3. Our algorithm with a pseudorandom binary sequence
6. Experimental results
7. Conclusions