


다제약물 복용환자의 약물치료관리 서비스에 대한 지불의사 연구


A Study on Willingness to Pay for Medication Therapy Management Service of Polypharmacy Patients

강희진, 이의경

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aimed to measure the patients’ willingness to pay for the Medication Therapy Management Service (MTM). A Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) was used through face-to-face interview for patients who have chronic diseases. The interview was conducted at the three community pharmacies and one hospital in the Metropolitan area from March 8th to April 5th, 2008. The response rate was 33%. Stata 10 was used for the statistical analysis. Fifty-eight percent( 57.58%) of respondents were willing to pay MTM Service provided by pharmacists. Willingness to pay for the MTM Service was 6,000 won for all the respondents, whereas that was 10,420 won for those who would like toreceive this service. Income was a major predictor for the willingness to pay for the MTM services. Willingness to pay for the MTM Service was 10,420 won for those who would like to receive this service. The importance of the MTM Service is to be emphasized for the patients in Korea.


 연구 결과
  1) 약물치료관리 서비스 제공에 대한 지불의사
  2) 약물 복용 현황과 약물 관련 사항의 궁금 정도
 고찰 및 결론


  • 강희진 Hee Jin Kang. 숙명여자대학교 임상약학대학원
  • 이의경 Eui-Kyung Lee. 숙명여자대학교 임상약학대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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