


미국의 Drug Utilization Review 시스템 운영을 위한 약물정보 및 운영체계에 대한 조사


Drug Information Development for Drug Utilization Review System in USA

최경업, 오옥희

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This research is based on the scope and definitions for Drug Utilization Review (DUR) program in the U.S., Code of Federal Regulation, Public Health (OBRA 90). An outpatient program includes prospective drug review, retrospective drug use review and an educational program. The goal of the DUR program must be to ensure appropriate drug therapy, while permitting sufficient professional prerogatives to allow for individualized drug therapy. A DUR program must access drug use information against predetermined standards. The source materials for predetermined standards development are consistent with peer reviewed medical literature and compendia such as American Hospital Formulary Service Drug Information, United States Pharmacopoeia-Drug Information and American Medical Association Drug Evaluations. The predetermined standards for prospective and retrospective DUR are compatible and subjected to ongoing evaluation and modification by the DUR Board. A system of drug use review that can detect potential adverse drug interaction, therapeutic duplication, drug age conflicts, etc. Therefore drug information to integrate into a DUR system is developed electronically based on the predetermined standards guidelines by commercial vendors of DUR services contracted with State agency. Differences between source materials were resolved by expertise of physicians and pharmacists to come agreement.


 Prospective DUR
 Retrospective DUR
 기결정된 표준의 사용
 DUR 교육 프로그램
 FirstDataBank (FDB)


  • 최경업 Kyung Eob Choi. 건강보험심사평가원 상근심사위원
  • 오옥희 Ock Hee Oh. 주)퍼스트디스


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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