

Banking Security using Honeypot




New threats are constantly emerging to the security of organization’ information systems infrastructure. Firewall and VPN cannot prevent all intrusions and do little to prevent attacks from within the organization itself. Intrusion detection plays a vital role in ensuring the integrity of a network's security. Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) or Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) have long been seen as the most effective means of detecting attacks. However they do have significant weaknesses. The increasing quantity and diversity of legitimate network traffic has resulted in ever increasing hardware costs and the large number of false positive alerts generated can be too much to analyze effectively. By relying on the search for known attack signatures NIDS are unable to detect new forms of attacks
and the use of encryption prevents them examining traffic altogether. An additional approach is required to tackle such problems. In this paper, we proposed a secure system for banking application using honeypots. Using this system, at least data integrity can be ensured along with monitoring the interaction to detect possible attack.


 1. Introduction
 2. Existing Systems: A Survey
  2.1 Pitfalls in the current Architecture
 3. Proposed System Architecture
  3.1 Proposed System Architecture
  3.2 Benefits of Proposed System:
 4. Results
 5. Conclusion and Future Scope
 6. References


  • Sandeep Chaware D.J.Sanghvi College of Engineering, Mumbai


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