

Secure RGB Image Steganography from Pixel Indicator to Triple Algorithm-An Incremental Growth



Steganography is the art of hiding the fact that communication is taking place, by hiding information in other information. In this paper we have investigate two methods of RGB image steganography one is pixel indicator technique and other is triple-A algorithem. They uses the same principle of LSB, where the secret is hidden in the least significant bits of the pixels, with more randomization in selection of the number of bits used and the color channels that are used. This randomization is expected to increase the security of the system and also increase the capacity. These techniques can be applied to RGB images where each pixel is represented by three bytes to indicate the intensity of red, green, and blue in that pixel. This work showed attractive results especially in the capacity of the data-bits to be hidden with relation to the RGB image pixels.


 1. Introduction


  • Namita Tiwari Asst.Prof.,Deptt.of computer science,MITS,Gwalior,India
  • Madhu Shandilya Professor, Deptt. Of Electronics, MANIT Bhopal,India


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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