

A Novel approach for Evil Twin or Rogue AP mitigation in wireless environment



Evil Twin is a term for a rogue Wi-Fi access point that appears to be a legitimate one offered on the premises, but actually has been set up by a hacker to eavesdrop on wireless communications among Internet surfers.[1] The phony Access point, with suspicious intentions broadcasts the Service Set IDentifier (SSID) the same as the legitimate network or Access Point, which diverts the network traffic indented for the real AP towards the phony AP, which in turn can steal sensitive information from the client side. Here in this paper, a simple approach is introduced which uses, Wireless Connection Session DataBase, where a system database file can be configured on the client and server side (gateway of real AP), to maintain a track record of successful sessions between trusted systems to identify the credentials of the AP and hence makes it possible to identify the fake Access point, with a very simple approach, without any modifications at the infrastructure or the hardware.


 1. Introduction
 2. Problem Background
 3. Assumptions
 4. Mitigation Approach
  4.1 Working
  4.2 Probing Method
  4.3 Additional Details
 5. Future Work


  • Ankit Panch Department of Computer engineering, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, India
  • Santosh Kumar Singh Department of Computer engineering, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, India


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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