

Insertion of message in 6th, 7th and 8th bit of pixel values and its retrieval in case intruder changes the least significant bit of image retrieval in case intruder changes the least significant bit of image



A new method for insertion of message using 6th, 7th and 8th bits of pixel values of an image is developed. This method is an improvement over the earlier method [7] in which 6th and 7th bits of pixel values of an image were used. A method to retrieve the message is also given. Another advantage offered by this technique is that the message can be retrieved even if the intruder changes the least significant bit of all the image pixels in which message has been embedded.


 1. Introduction
 2. Description of the Model and Algorithms
  2.1 Sender and Recipient agree on a model using which message communication is to betaken place.
  2.2 Algorithm for insertion of message bit b using 6th, 7th and 8th bit of the pixel value.
  2.3 Algorithm for retrieval of message bit b as bbb or bbbc or bcbb
  2.3 Here we see in view of algorithm 2.2 that (i) how the various pixel values arechanged during insertion process? (ii) Which of the locations should be used for theinsertion which should be ignored?
 3 Retrieval of message in case intruder changes least significant bits of pixel valuesof a recipient copy.
  3.1 Here we consider the case in which intruder changes the least significant bit of pixelvalues of the cover object with message bit ‘0’.
  3.2 Here we consider the case in which intruder changes the least significant bits of pixelvalues of the cover object without message.
  3.3 Remark
  3.3 So far, we discussed the case of insertion and retrieving of the message bit ‘0’ in 3.1and 3.2.


  • Sudhir Batra Technological Institute of Textile and Sciences
  • Rahul Rishi Technological Institute of Textile and Sciences
  • Rajkumar University Institute of Engineering & Technology, M. D. University


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