

Video Based Moving Object Tracking by Particle Filter



Usually, the video based object tracking deal with non-stationary image stream that changes over time. Robust and Real time moving object tracking is a problematic issue in computer vision research area. Most of the existing algorithms are able to track only in predefined and well controlled environment. Some cases, they don’t consider non-linearity problem. In our paper, we develop such a system which considers color information, distance transform (DT) based shape information and also nonlinearity. Particle filtering has been proven very successful for non-gaussian and non-linear estimation problems. We examine the difficulties of video based tracking and step by step we analyze these issues. In our first approach, we develop the color based particle filter tracker that relies on the deterministic search of window, whose color content matches a reference histogram model. A simple HSV histogram-based color model is used to develop this observation system. Secondly, we describe a new approach for moving object tracking with particle filter by shape information. The shape similarity between a template and estimated regions in the video scene is measured by their normalized cross-correlation of distance transformed images. Our observation system of particle filter is based on shape from distance transformed edge features. Template is created instantly by selecting any object from the video scene by a rectangle. Finally, in this paper we illustrate how our system is improved by using both these two cues with non linearity.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related works and motivation
 3. Particle filtering
  3.1. Mathematical Model
 4. Color based system
  4.1. System flow diagram
  4.2. Observation model and system dynamics
  4.3. Experiments result
 5. DT template shape based system
  5.1. Preprocessing
  5.2. Distance transformation (DT)
  5.3. Matching by normalized cross-correlation
  5.4. Particle filter based implementation
  5.5. Experimental results
 6. Conclusion


  • Md. Zahidul Islam Chonnam National University, Gwangju, South Korea
  • Chi-Min Oh Chonnam National University, Gwangju, South Korea
  • Chil-Woo Lee Chonnam National University, Gwangju, South Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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