

Prototype Development of a Spatial Information Management System for Large-scale Buildings



This paper presents a new model of a management system for large-scale buildings. Unlike previous systems for building management, the proposed system aims to deal with both static and dynamic spatial information in a single framework. For this purpose, 3D CAD, 3D GIS and image processing are integrated together. In the proposed system, the geometrical information of a building is managed by GIS using a database built from 3D CAD. Also, the dynamic spatial information (i.e., flow size of pedestrians) is obtained using image processing. We implemented a prototype version of the proposed system to a real environment and it showed promising results for a running system covering a wide area.


 1. Introduction
 2. System Overview
  2.1. System Architecture
  2.2. Main Functions and Utilizations of SIMS
 3. 3D CAD and 3D GIS
 4. Flow Size Estimation
 5. Implementation of Prototype System
 6. Conclusions and Future Works


  • Gwang-Gook Lee Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hanyang University
  • Byeoung-su Kim Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hanyang University
  • Kee-Hwan Ka Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hanyang University
  • Hyoung-ki Kim Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hanyang University
  • Ja-Young Yoon Department of Sustainable Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University
  • Jae-Jun Kim Department of Sustainable Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University
  • Whoi-Yul Kim Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hanyang University


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