A Control system is the combinations of components (electrical, mechanical, thermal, or hydraulic) that act together to maintain actual system performance close to a desired set of performance specifications. The trend in most systems is that they are connected through the Internet. Traditional Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems (SCADA) is connected only in a limited private network Since the internet Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems (SCADA) facility has brought a lot of advantages in terms of control, data viewing and generation. Along with these advantages, are security issues regarding web SCADA, operators are pushed to connect Control Systems through the internet. Because of this, many issues regarding security surfaced. In this paper, we discuss web SCADA and the issues regarding security. As a countermeasure, a web SCADA security solution using crossed-crypto-scheme is proposed to be used in the communication of SCADA components which extends through the internet.
1. Introduction
2. Control Systems
3. SCADA Systems
3.1 SCADA Hardware
3.2 SCADA Software
3.3 SCADA User Interface
3.4 How SCADA Works
4. Installation of SCADA
4.1 Conventional Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
4.2 Control System over the internet
6. Security Issues
7. The Crossed-Crypto Scheme
8. The Crossed-Crypto Scheme as Integrated to Control Systems
8. Conclusion