

A Framework for Visualizing Model-Driven Software Evolution Its Evaluation



Software Visualization encompasses the development and evaluation of methods for graphical representation of different aspects of software system, including its structure, execution and evolution. Creation of visualization helps the user to have better understanding of the complex phenomena of the software system. It is also found that visualization is vital and important for the software engineering community. In order to visualize the evolution of the models in Model-Driven Software Evolution, a framework has been proposed. This framework is derived by the application of the Goal Question Metric Paradigm. An evaluation of the framework is the major contribution of this paper. Framework is applied to assess and to find the appropriateness of the CASE tools. Six tools are considered for the comparison under this uniform platform. Stakeholder’s perspectives are also considered to evaluate the framework. Framework can also be considered as a design template for the development of the visualization tools for Model-Driven Software Evolution.


 1. Introduction.
 2. Related Work.
  2.1. Literature Survey.
  2.2. Motivation for Framework and Its Application.
 3. Framework Summary.
 4. Applying the Framework.
  4.1. Comparison of the Tools.
  4.2. Stakehoders Analysis.
 5. Conclusions and Future work.


  • Madhavi Karanam Computer Science and Engineering Department, Nalgonda Institute of Technology & Science, Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Anand Rao Akepogu Computer Science and Engineering Department, JNTUCEA Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India


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