

Analysis and Modeling of Change Management Process Model



As software changes is essential activity of software life cycle and hence to manage it is a vital and ambiguous task. In this paper we want to suggest a model of software change management which can focuses that change management was relevant not only in the maintenance phase, but also in the development phase of the software life cycle. The defined model does not treat software change as a post-delivery activity. With the aid of the proposed model it will be possible, in a structured way, to analyze an organization to see how well it performs on each of the specific functions of Change Management. The model can also be used to design tools or plan methods for Change Management to even to teach its concepts in a gradual and structured way. We discuss general principles for structuring the model into key areas and features and apply them to Change Management Functions. Furthermore, we discuss about the other various models available for the change management process. The ultimate goal of this work is to promote a better understanding of the process of Change Management.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Context of Change Management
  2.1 Olsen's Change Management Model
  2.2 V-like Change Management Model
  2.3 Ince's Change Process Model
  2.4 The AMES Model
  2.5 Proposed Spiral Model for Change Management Process
  2.6 Advantages of Proposed Spiral Model
  2.7 Evaluation
 3. Conclusion


  • S. M. Ghosh Chhatrapati Shivaji Institute of Technology, Durg (CG) – INDIA
  • H. R. Sharma Chhatrapati Shivaji Institute of Technology, Durg (CG) – INDIA
  • V. Mohabay Department of Electronics and IT, Kalyan Mahavidalaya Bhilai (CG) - INDIA


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