

The Perception of Computer Security Focused on the Familiarity of Rootkits in Korea and Kazakhstan



This study is designed with an eye toward possible solutions for potential threats from Rootkits and more traditional malware. The survey data were collected from 371 students of five korea and three Kazakhstan universities to compare their knowledge and experience with various forms of malware. They provide an empirical assessment of the cross-cultural similarities and differences between students in the two countries. The variables examined include knowledge of computer viruses, spyware, and rootkits as well as perceptions of the damage that can result from various computer malware. While the two groups are similar with respect to their relative familiarity of rootkits compared with that of spyware and viruses, and in terms of how they perceive the malware knowledge of their peers, they exhibit significant differences in self-reported perceptions of rootkit familiarity. Korean. students report higher levels for all tested malware types, including the fictional “Trilobyte” virus. These comparisons reveal that little is known about rootkits today. However, this study can bring awareness of Rootkits and promote to seek for possible solutions for Rootkits and other malwares attacks.


 1. Introduction
 2. Literature Review
  2.1. Concepts of Rootkits
  2.2. Types of Rootkits
  2.3. Related Studies on Rootkits
 3. Data Analysis and Interpretation
 4. Conclusion


  • Ha Jin Hwang Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics, and Strategic Research(KIMEP)
  • Joo Ik Tak Catholic University of Daegu
  • Sun Young Nah Catholic University of Daegu


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