

Towards Rapid Development of User Defined Metaheuristics Hybridization



It has been revealed by many research studies that metaheuristics methods are useful to solve problems in many different domains. However, the implementation involves some technical hurdles such as the steep learning curve, the abundance and complexity of the algorithms, skill in programming and the lack of user friendly platform to be used for algorithm development. As new algorithms are being developed, there are also those that come in the form of hybridization of multiple existing algorithms. We reckon that there is also a need for an easy, flexible and effective development platform for user defined metaheuristic hybridization. In this article, a comparative study has been performed on several metaheuristics software frameworks. Results show that the available software frameworks are not adequately designed for users to easily develop hybridization algorithms. After the literature reviews, we propose a framework design that will help bridging the gap. We foresee the potential of scripting language as an important element that will help improve existing software framework with regards to the ease of use, rapid algorithm design and development.


 1. Introduction
 2. Metaheuristics Hybridization
 3. Software Framework for Metaheuristics
  3.1. iOPT
  3.2. HotFrame
  3.3. EasyLocal++
  3.4. ParadisEO
  3.5. HeuristicLab
  3.6. OPT4J
  3.7. JCLEC
  3.8. MDF
  3.9. Jenes
 4. Limitations of the Available Software Frameworks
 5. Scripting Language Paradigm
  5.1. Scripting Language for Metaheuristic
 6. Conclusions


  • S. Masrom Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysi
  • Siti Z.Z Abidin Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysi
  • P.N. Hashimah Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysi


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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