

Automated Test Data Generation Based On Matching Combination Automated Test Data Generation Based On Matching Combination



Based on the model of matrix, a new algorithm for original pairwise testing data set generation is first proposed, and then, based on which, a sufficient and necessary condition for the minimum pairwise testing data set generation of the testing system T is given, where T has n different parameters, each parameter has n different values, and n is a prime number. Finally, according to the given original pairwise testing data set, a novel testing data adding method based on the idea of matching combination is designed to add extra testing data to cover all the pairwise combinations that are not covered by the original pairwise testing data set. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that, the newly proposed algorithm is simple and effective, and has these good characteristics such as small test data set and less time consumption etc.


 1. Introduction
 2. Theorem of Combinatorial Testing
 3. Automated Test Data Generation for pairwise testing
  3.1Automated Original Testing Data Set Generation Based on Testing Matrix
  3.2 Testing Data Adding Based on Matching Combination
 4. Experimental Result and Theoretical Analysis
 5. Conclusion and Future Works


  • Tongsen Wang Department of Electronic Information & Electrical Engineering Fujian University of Technology


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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