

Development of Simulation Model in Heterogeneous Network Environment : Comparing the Accuracy of Simulation Model for Data Transfers Measurement over Wide Area Network (WAN)



We present a novel approach for the measurement of one-way delays and throughput between network nodes in heterogeneous environment over Wide Area Network (WAN). This research investigates performance evaluation of remote data transfers on heterogeneous services and technologies environment. We propose an enhanced equation to evaluate the performance of network traffic management via Little Law and Queuing theory to improve the evaluation algorithm. To get accuracy results on the performance of simulation model, we measure (verify and validate) data from lab experiment. We use network management tool to capture those data and Ping Plotter application (network analyzer) to generate traffic. As a result, this simulation model can provide a good approximation of the real traffic (one-way delays and throughput) observed in the real network environment (Wide Area Network, WAN). Through laboratory and field experiments, it shows that the model via simulation is capable of approximating the performance of remote data transfers over heterogeneous services and techniques within a minimum error range.


 1.0 Introduction
 2.0 Problem Statements
 3.0 Methodologies
 4.0 Propose Simulation Model Development for Remote Data Transfer
  4.1 Physical Model of Real Heterogeneous Network Environment
  4.2 Logical Model of Heterogeneous Network Environment
  4.3 Development of Heterogeneous Network Environment Model
 5.0 Verification and Validation of Simulation Model with Wide Area Network (RealNetwork) Experimental
  5.1 Real Network (WAN) Setup
  5.2 Wide Area Network (Real Network) Experiment
 6.0 Conclusion and Future Work


  • Mohd Nazri Ismail Faculty of MIIT, University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Abdullah Mohd Zin Faculty of Computer Science, UKM, Malaysia


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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