

NGSched - An Efficient Scheduling Algorithm Handling Interactive Jobs in Grid Environment



A Computational grid is highly useful computing infrastructure that enables effective access of resources to perform high performance computing wherein job management, efficient resource utilization are key grid service issues. To make grid environment greatly useful, an optimized scheduling system is essential as computational grid is often heterogeneous with complex environment. This complexity raises difficulties in gathering the load information of computational resources as well as coping up with user needs specifically when users dealt with jobs. Other existing fact of grid computing is that it is best known for handling batch job rather than interactive job submission. Interactive Job submission is useful in situations when a job requires human intervention to control the job result.
This research paper tries to satisfy the requirements of the user by developing user driven scheduler. We have developed a scheduler here after referred as NGSched compatible with Globus and hence provides user on-demand and interactive access to grid resources. It adopts novel approach for scheduling multiple jobs by giving privileges of resource selection to the user. The proposed and implemented algorithm also satisfies the deadlines given by the user for job execution on the selected resources and balances the load on grid nodes. The proposed heuristic also calculates the share of each resource according to capability to handle load. Since this scheduler is user centric, it facilitates the user to monitor the job, cancel the job, schedule on selected resources, suspend and resume the job. Results obtained proved that our innovative algorithm is better and efficient.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
 3. Preface of proposed research algorithm
 4. Proposed Scheduling Algorithm
 5. Implementation
  5.1. Fetching Data from MDS:
  5.2. Maintaining Input/Output Between Admin and Remote Node:
  5.3. Deployment of All Job-Modules over Remote Node:
  5.4. User centric Job management functionalities:
 6. Performance Analysis
  6.1. Comparing Wastage of CPU Cycles:
  6.2. Total Jobs Scheduled:
  6.3. Jobs Submitted with Given Deadline:
  6.4. Utilization of Grid:
  6.5. Number of Jobs Scheduled:
  6.6. Time Taken for Scheduling Decision:
 7. Conclusion and Future work:


  • Madhuri Bhavsar Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Nirma University
  • S.N.Pradhan Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Nirma University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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