

An Approach for Determining Conditions for Monitoring of Critical Nodes for MANET Intrusion Detection System



In modern generation, the applications of MANET are increasing in use. But MANET are more vulnerable to many attacks because of their adhoc nature. The security issue is the main concern in the use of MANET application.Therefor, the selection of efficient methodologies and techniques to protect MANET is an important aspect. Detecting malicious nodes in an open adhoc network in which participating nodes have no previous security associations presents a number of challenges not faced by the traditional wired networks. Traffic monitoring in wired network is usually preferred at switches, routers and gateways, but adhoc network does not have these types of network elements where the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) can collect and analyze audit data for the entire network. This paper presents an approach for determining conditions under which critical nodes should be monitored. Here, we focus on the trigger mechanism for the invocation of critical node test for MANET Intrusion Detection system.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
 3. Identification of Critical Nodes
  3.1. Steps for Critical Node Test
  3.2. Consideration of Trigger Mechanism
 4. Conclusion
 5. References


  • Nitiket N Mhala Associate Professor, Department of Electronics Engg., BDCOE, Sevagram,India
  • N K Choudhari Principal, Bhagwati Chadurvedi COE, Nagpur,India


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