

An Energy Conserving Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks



Wireless sensor networks (WSN) technologies are widely used in today’s world for monitoring purposes. In most applications, the sensors are not plugged in. Instead, they get power from the batteries they carry. To keep the network alive for a long time with such limited power, it is very important to conserve energy while the network is functioning. In this paper, we present an energy efficient routing algorithm for WSN. In this algorithm, we divide the sensor nodes into several scheduling sets and let them work alternatively. In this way, the sensors do not have to be active all the time which saves a lot of energy. When choosing the next sensor to forward the information to, we consider both the distance from the base station to the sensor and its current energy level. So the network power consumption will be distributed among the sensors. When the network does not have enough sensors that have sufficient energy to run, it generates new scheduling sets automatically. Simulations and comparisons demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms the previous work on energy efficient routing algorithms.


 1. Introduction
 2. WSN Design Challenges
 3. Energy Efficient WSN
 4. Proposed Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm
  4.1. Algorithm Basis
  4.2. Algorithm Description
  4.3. Energy Model
  4.4. Example Networks
 5. Simulation and Comparison
 6. Conclusion and Future Work


  • Yuping Dong Tufts University
  • Hwa Chang Tufts University
  • Zhongjian Zou Tufts University
  • Sai Tang Tufts University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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