

QoS Management for SOA by Synchronizing Quality Context in UDDI



This paper presents the design principle for integrating quality management on Web service registry developed in UDDI specification and Web service quality management system (WSQMS). WSQMS, developed by NIA 1 can measure and collect the quality information of Web services by its agency system installed on the Web service system. Web service registry is core system for registering and searching WSDL(Web Service Description Language). On the registry, there are no methods that users search Web services on the basis of quality information because the registry is operating without any relationship of WSQMS. So, it is required an integration method where WSQMS and registries share the quality data on the basis of classified quality data. For representing Web service quality information, we adopted the WSQDL(Web Service Quality Description Language), which published by WSQM technical committee in OASIS. In more detail, this paper also presents the scheme to compose the classification scheme for quality data and to modify the necessary data structure of the registry.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
 3. Web Services Quality Management System
 4. Principle of Quality Data Sharing
  4.1 Registration of Quality Information
  4.2 Use of Quality Data
 5. Quality Classification Scheme
 6. Conclusions


  • Youngkon Lee e-Business Department, Korea Polytechnic University


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