

An Adaptive MAC Scheduling Algorithm for Guaranteed QoS in IEEE 802.11e HCCA



The IEEE 802.11e standard guarantees QoS in the MAC layer by using new HCF (Hybrid Coordination Function) protocol. The HCF is composed of two access functions: A distributed contention-based channel access function (EDCA) providing prioritized QoS and a cen-tralized polling-based channel access function (HCCA) providing para-meterized QoS. In this paper, we propose a new scheduling algorithm for HCCA to support QoS. The proposed scheduler guarantees QoS by using adaptive service intervals, transmission opportunities, and polling order.
The service schedule is based not only on the tra±c's TSPEC parameters but also on the instance bu®ered tra±c conditions and transmission de-lay of other tra±c. Simulation results show that the proposed scheduling algorithm is superior to the existing TGe Reference scheduler, SETT-EDD, and ARROW algorithms in terms of throughput, transmission delay and jitter.


 1 Introduction
 2 Proposed Scheduling Algorithm
  2.1 Operation Method of the Proposed Scheduler
  2.2 Method of allocating TXOP
  2.3 Method of allocating SI
 3 Performance Evaluation of the Proposed Algorithm
  3.1 Simulation scenario
  3.2 Analysis of the Simulation Results
 4 Conclusion


  • Sung-Ryun Kim School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ajou University
  • Dong-Yul Lee School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ajou University
  • Chae-Woo Lee School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ajou University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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