

On Detecting and Representing Bottom-up Change in Ontology Versioning



Ontology tends to change over time. Therefore, ontology change management such as ontology versioning is essential to keep ontology up to date. As one of the important phases in ontology versioning, change detection should be able to provide information about the changes in the database or metadata, which may need to be reflected as changes in the underlying ontological model. This paper proposes a bottom-up change detection method from a database or metadata perspective to preserve compatibility serialization between ontology and the associated database. In addition, with respect to ontology versioning tasks, the quality of detectable concept changes is measured using Precision, Recall and F-measure.


 1. Introduction
 2. Rationale for Bottom-up Change Detection in Ontology Versioning
 3. Changes in Ontology Versioning
 4. Change Detection Approach
  4.1. Providing Ontology Metadata
  4.2. Version Identification
  4.3. Change Detection Algorithm
 5. The Representation of Changes
  5.1. Change Representation: Concept addition
 6. Evaluation
  6.1 Concept Change Detection
  6.2 Concept satisfiability
 7. Related Works
 8. Conclusion


  • Heru Agus Santoso Faculty of Computer Science, Dian Nuswantoro University, Faculty of Information Technology, Multimedia University
  • Su-Cheng Haw Faculty of Information Technology, Multimedia University
  • Chien-Sing Lee Faculty of Information Technology, Multimedia University


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