It is increasing to use ID card and passport for identification as development of information communication technology on 21century. But image of human face that uses for e-passport and admission tag is inserted on RFID chip without any encryption process, or is encrypted using general encryption process. These demands are ever increasing in such business circles, as e-trade businesses where various e-documents go through complex routes and the ownerships of the documents are transferred through a number of parties, and logistics, legal and pharmaceutics circles in which the subjects who record, maintain and read e-documents continue changing. The existing encryption algorithms to ensure the originality of e-documents generally encode the whole area of documents with a symmetric key, so if a user discloses the corresponding symmetric key, it becomes impossible to secure the safety of related documents. In addition, the algorithms have a disadvantage that a user should show the entire information including unnecessary parts (unwanted parts) to receivers in case the entire area of a document is encrypted. This study, thus, proposes a scrambling encryption technique, by which a user, while issuing a registered e-document to a third party, can send partial data of the document, not the entire information, in order to prevent unnecessary leaking of information, improve the readability of documents and use a hash function instead of a complicated encryption process in changing values of image pixels to relocate the image. The proposed system is designed, implemented and tested in performance. In the test, the safety and the operation speed of the system are measured, and with test results, the system is verified in validity and superiority..
1. Introduction
2. Related Studies
2.1 Technologies of Digital Data Protection
2.2 Certified e-Document Authority
2.3 RFID system
3. A Proposed System
3.1 Scrambling Algorithm
4. Evaluation Of Performance
4.1 Comparison in Encryption Speed with a System with AES Algorithm
4.2 Safety Evaluation
5. Conclusion