

High Assurance Architecture of Streaming Data Integration System about Security Threat Monitor



How to grasp the real-time overall situation of the network security is worth to study. An increasing number of network security systems have been deployed in the backbone and the gateways of enterprises, including various Netflow systems, IDS, VDS, VS and firewalls. These products make great contributions in enhancing the network security. However, current network
security systems are independent and autonomous. Consequently, such solutions cannot figure out an overview of the network security situation. In another perspective, building a new global monitoring system will suffer from redundant construction and longer deploying time. We propose a novel and high assurance solution called GS-TMS which reuses the log data generated by the existing systems. Based on the data stream and data integration technologies, GS-TMS provides a desirable capability in quickly building a large-scale distributed network monitoring system. Furthermore, GS-TMS has additional notable advantages over current monitoring systems in scalability and flexibility.


 1 Introduction
 2 Related Work
 3 The System Architecture
 4 Evaluation Design
 5 Conclusion


  • Aiping Li Computer Institute, National University of Defence Technology
  • Jiajia Miao Computer Institute, National University of Defence Technology
  • Yan Jia Computer Institute, National University of Defence Technology


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