피인용수 : 0건 (자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)
Generally, about 67% of hydropower generation is depending on the rainy season. In other word, the process of development of water resources is too limited to a particular season.
As a solution to this problem, this paper proposes an optimal control method of hydroelectric power development in multi level water dams. The main advantage of the system is stabilization of the amount of power generate in dams. Simulation results show that the proposed optimal control method indicates development rate in Chungpyung Dam is about a 40%, 25% in Chungju Dam and 37.5% in Paldang.
1 Introduction
2 Power system optimal control method by the regulation of damwater level -Simple Model
2.1 Optimal control of water level
2.2 Simulation of a model – Hwacheon Dam-
3 Total Optimal Control Method for Hydroelectric Power Plant inHan River
3.1 Discrete optimization model
3.2 Total Optimized control model
4 Conclusion
1 Introduction
2 Power system optimal control method by the regulation of damwater level -Simple Model
2.1 Optimal control of water level
2.2 Simulation of a model – Hwacheon Dam-
3 Total Optimal Control Method for Hydroelectric Power Plant inHan River
3.1 Discrete optimization model
3.2 Total Optimized control model
4 Conclusion
자료제공 : 네이버학술정보