

A Design of Framework for Smart Services of robots in Intelligent Environment



This paper presents a framework for smart services of robots in an intelligent environment. Within such intelligent environment, the target platform consists of service robots and a framework for smart services including task allocation and task scheduling. For task allocation, we use an auction-based method and a knapsack problem algorithm. In this paper, the characteristics of the algorithm for allocation balancing are to delegate executing task to another robot, to reallocate the delayed task to more than one robot, and to withdraw overallocated robots from the current task.


 1. Introduction
 2. Architecture for Intelligent Environments
  2.1. Concept and structure
  2.2. Characteristics and advantages
 3. Framework for smart services based on RSA
  3.1. Robot agent
  3.2. Robot group
  3.3. Task management agent
  3.4. Task management group
 4. Smart Service Management Algorithm for Multi-robot
  4.1. How to select the best robot
  4.2. Allocation balancing
 5. Case Study : Simulation for Smart Services of Multi-robot
  5.1. Evaluation for selecting the most appropriate robots
  5.2. Evaluation for allocation balancing
  5.3. Application
 6. Conclusions and Future Works


  • Joo-Hyung Kim Department of Electrical Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
  • Dong-Won Kim Department of Digital Electronics, INHA Technical College, Incheon, Korea
  • Bum-Jae You Center for Cognitive Robotics Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea
  • Gwi-Tae Park Department of Electrical Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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