

A Theoretical Model for Implementing Quality Management in an Automated Environment




This paper will present the results of a study which included the development of a quality management model, based on an extensive literature survey, and the empirical validation of the model. The study was designed to address two major research questions:
1. What is a plausible model of the quality management process?
Specifically, the study aimed to determine which quality management constructs or practices should be included in a model of quality management. Additionally, the study identified or hypothesized a set of relationships among the underlying constructs, and
2. Which of the hypothesized relationships included in the model were supported empirically by real world data?
A review of the literature provided the basis for the answers to both parts of question one. A model consisting of eight quality management practices, and five performance measures was developed. The literature review provided support for a proposed set of relationships among the thirteen constructs included in the quality management model. The proposed relationships formed the basis of a set of nine hypotheses tested in the study.
A survey instrument was developed, from published indicators, to collect perceptual data about the utilization of quality management practices in companies and the perceived impact of these practices on performance measures.
Structural equation modelling was employed to analyze the data collected from two hundred and ninety five respondents at organizations throughout the United States.
The resulting model has utility for quality practitioners and researchers since it serves as an organizing framework for understanding the quality management process.


 1. Introduction
 2. Background and Purpose of the Study
 3. Research Questions
 4. Literature Review
  4.1 Concept and Definitions of Quality
  4.2 Review of Quality Management Models, Theories and Frameworks
 5. The Conceptual Model and Hypotheses
  5.1 Operationalization of the Constructs
  5.2. A Diagrammatic View of the Model and Hypotheses
 6. Research Methodology
  6.1. Results of the study
 7. Conclusion and Recommendations


  • Oswald S. W. Franks Cape Peninsula University of Technology
  • Pr Eng Cape Peninsula University of Technology


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