

Personal Area Network for Biomedical Monitoring Systems Using Human Body as a Transmission Medium



Personal Area Network for Intra-body communication using human body as the transmission medium enables wireless communication without transmitting radio waves through the air. With the vision of transmitting data through the human body, several trials have been made to model the human body as communication channel through which cablefree transmission is achieved. Making use of human body as a transmission medium signal transmission offers new data communication scheme in biomedical monitoring systems. Such a new wireless data communication technology will offer substantially increased freedom for long-term risk patients. On body sensors in the form of intelligent band-aids monitor the human vital functions. Enabled by the intra-body communication capability of every on-body sensors, the recorded data will be transferred wireless through the body within the Body Area Network sensor nodes. Eventually, one single node will act as a central monitoring node and is connected by a traditional wireless link, e.g. blue tooth, to the remote hospital monitoring infrastructure. There , the data will be displayed or stored in the patient’s record. Electronic data transfer over and through the human body has been proposed by research and industry as a promising technology for ultra low power wireless Body Area Networks.


 1. Introduction
 2. Personal Area Network
 3. Signal Transmission Characteristics
  3.1. . Impedance Fluctuations
  3.2. Human Phantom
 4. Intra-body Communication Devices
 5. Conclusion
 6. References


  • S.Wilfred Franklin C.S.I.Institute of Technology
  • S.Edward Rajan Mepco Schlenk Engineering College


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