

End-effector Position Analysis of SCORBOT-ER Vplus Robot



This paper features the kinematic analysis of a SCORBOT-ER Vplus robot arm which is used for doing successful robotic manipulation task in its workspace. The SCORBOT-ER Vplus is a 5-dof vertical articulated robot and all the joints are revolute [1]. The kinematics problem is defined as the transformation from the Cartesian space to the joint space and vice versa. The Denavit-Harbenterg (D-H) model of representation is used to model robot links and joints in this study along with 4x4 homogeneous matrix. SCORBOT-ER Vplus is a dependable and safe robotic system designed for laboratory and training applications. This versatile system allows students to gain theoretical and practical experience in robotics, automation and control systems. The MATLAB 8.0 is used to solve this mathematical model for a set of joint parameter.


 1. Introduction
 2. Kinematic Model of SCORBOT-ER Vplus Robot
 2.1. Denavit & Hartenberg (D-H) Notation
 2.2. Kinematic Relationship Between Adjacent Links
 3. Result
 4. Conclusion


  • Anurag Verma 1Principal, G. H. Patel College of Engineering & Technology
  • Vivek A. Deshpande Asst. Professor in Mechanical Engineering, G. H. Patel College of Engineering & Technology


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