From the past few years the wireless communication system technologies increasing significantly, which shows perceptible impact in the field of telecommunications to develop and improve the entire system away from the means of transmission with wires to the without wires (radio frequency) communication. That means maintenance of QoS is important in the wireless system because it is the key problem of today’s wireless communication system due to unending requirements of user. Quality of Service (QoS) is the capacity to define the performance in any responsible system. Exact description of radio channel through basic parameters and using the mathematical models are important to predict the signal coverage, attainable data rate explicit performance quality of substitute signaling and reception schemes. In This paper we will discuss A Modified way of evaluating loss to sustain the QoS in highly populated area. Here we analyze the QoS in terms of received signal strength. To achieve it we have taken the field data and calculated the path loss at 900 and 1800 MHz frequency and compared graphically with existing path loss models and found a reliable model which gives the results near to the calculated field data. After observing the results we give correction factor to attain more reliability in the existing reliable model for that particular area specified.
1. Introduction
2. Loss Factor
2.1. Free Space Loss
2.2. Multipath
2.3. Atmosphere
3. Modified Path Loss Model
4. Observations and Results
5. Conclusion