

Bias Current Optimization Studies on Avalanche Transit Time Diode Based on Wurtzite and Zinc-Blende Phase of GaN at Terahertz Frequency



The Terahertz performances of Wurtzite (α-phase) and Zinc-Blende (β-phase) of GaN based p+pnn+ DDR IMPATTs has been investigated at optimum bias current density. The modeling and simulation based on drift diffusion model has been carried out to study the DC and small signal properties of the device. The bias current optimization is based on maximum conversion efficiency and device negative resistance at 0.3 THz. The simulation results obtained reveals the strong potentiality of DDR IMPATTs based on α- and β-GaN as a powerful solid state source for generating high power in Terahertz domain. The conversion efficiency of the device is found to be 12.3% at an optimum bias current density of 0.2×108 A/m2 for α-GaN IMPATTs while the same result for β-GaN IMPATTs is 11.5% at 3.1×109 A/m2. The design results presented in the paper are very promising and immensely useful to realize experimentally α- and β-GaN IMPATTs at THz frequency.


 1. Introduction
 2. Simulation Methodologies
  2.1. Doping Profile, Material & Design parameters of GaN based DDR Impatts
  2.2. Computer Simulation Techniques
 3. Results and Discussions
 4. Conclusion


  • Soumen Banerjee 1Hooghly Engineering & Technology College West Bengal, India.
  • Priya Chakrabarti Institute of Engineering & Management Kolkata, India.
  • Riya Baidya Institute of Engineering & Management Kolkata, India.


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