

Face and Speech Based Multi-Modal Biometric Authentication



In this paper, the use of finite Gaussian mixture modal (GMM) based Expectation Maximization (EM) estimated algorithm for score level data fusion is proposed. Automated biometric systems for human identification measure a “signature” of the human body, compare the resulting characteristic to a database, and render an application dependent decision. These biometric systems for personal authentication and identification are based upon physiological or behavioral features which are typically distinctive, Multi-biometric systems, which consolidate information from multiple biometric sources, are gaining popularity because they are able to overcome limitations such as non-universality, noisy sensor data, large intra-user variations and susceptibility to spoof attacks that are commonly encountered in mono modal biometric systems. Simulation show that finite mixture modal (GMM) is quite effective in modelling the genuine and impostor score densities, fusion based the resulting density estimates achieves a significant performance on eNTERFACE 2005 multi-biometric database based on face and speech modalities.


 1. Introduction
 2. Authentication Traits
  2.1 Face Extraction and Recognition
  2.2 Speech Analysis and Feature Extraction
 3. Multimodal Biometric Fusion Decision
  3.1 Adaptive Bayesian Method Based Score Fusion
 4. Experiments and Results
 5. Conclusions
 6. References


  • Mohamed Soltane Electronics Department, Faculty of engineering science Badji Mokhtar University OF Annaba
  • Noureddine Doghmane Electronics Department, Faculty of engineering science Badji Mokhtar University OF Annaba
  • Noureddine Guersi Electronics Department, Faculty of engineering science Badji Mokhtar University OF Annaba


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