

A Study on U-Healthcare System for Patient Information Management over Ubiquitous Medical Sensor Networks



The term “Ubiquitous Medical Sensor Networks” (UMSN) is used to describe networks of intelligent sensor nodes that could be deployed “anywhere, anytime, by anyone and anything ” . Earlier research shows that it is highly suitable for monitoring purposes in military use and also biomedical applications. However, there isn’t any flexible and robust communication infrastructure to integrate these devices into an emergency care setting. An efficient wireless communication substrate for medical devices that addresses ad hoc or fixed network formation, naming and discovery, security and authentication, as well as filtration and aggregation of vital sign data need to be studied. This research is aimed at developing a system that is able to provide continuous monitoring of patients outside the hospital environment.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
 3. Methodology
  3.1. Hardware Implementation
  3.2. System Implementation
 4. Proposed System Architecture
  4.1. Home-based System
  4.2. Secure Routing of Biomedical
  4.3. Web-Service System
 5. Conclusion


  • Randy S. Tolentino Hannam University
  • Sungwon Park Hannam University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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