A theoretical model for the I-V characteristics of buried-gate GaAs metal semiconductor field-effect transistors has been developed by solving dc continuity equation. This analysis includes the ion implanted buried-gate process. It is shown that the current- voltage could be rather increased when introducing an optical fiber to the buried-gate GaAs MESFETs structure. The current -voltage characteristics and the channel conductance of the device have been evaluated. The results indicate very good performance of the device compared to other devices like MESFET under back illumination and MESFET with front illumination having surface gate. Buried-gate optical field effect transistor (OPFET) will be highly suitable for power device application, optical communication and optical computing.
1. Introduction
2. Theory
3. Channel current and drain current
3.1 Current due to depletion region
3.2 Current due to Neutral Region
3.3 Current Due to Ion-Implantation
3.4 Calculation of Photo voltage
3.5 Channel Conductance
4. Results and Discussion
4 Conclusion