

Optical Wireless Communication and Recharging Mechanism of Wireless Sensor Network by Using CCRs



Broad spectrum of optical wireless communication is available, which can fulfill the requirements of high speed wireless communication. This is the basic advantage of optical wireless communication over conventional wireless communication technologies. The other important thing is the day by day decreasing size of wireless sensors with the advent of advancement in device processing technologies like micro- and nano-electromechanical systems. This decrease in dimensions of sensors causes serious problem for battery storage capacity. We address this issue and propose a model of communication and recharging of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) nodes simultaneously using passive optical communication.
We propose both Line-of-Sight and Quasi-diffuse communication for this purpose. There are some situations where direct LOS is better option while at non-line-of-sight, the energy of a multi-spot Quasi-diffuse beam can be utilized. In our model we have used modified Corner Cube Retroreflector (CCR) and a newly proposed device Thinfilm Corner Cube Retroreflector (TCCR) for passive communication and recharging sensor nodes. These devices have large angle of diversity due to which they can provide communication facility to large areas. Our analysis shows that the proposed model could show better performance and significant increase in network life time.


 1. Introduction
 2. Optical Wireless Sensors Recharging
 3. Scheduling the Recharge Mechanism
 4. Conclusions and future work


  • M. I. Afzal Department of communication Engineering, Myongji University Korea
  • Waqar Mahmood Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science (KICS), University of Engineering and Technology Lahore Pakistan
  • Sheikh Muhammad Sajid Department of Telecommunication Engineering National University Lahore Pakistan
  • Shin Seoyong Department of communication Engineering, Myongji University Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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