

Approximation Studies on Image Enhancement Using Fuzzy Technique



An image can be considered as a fuzzy subset of plane. Fuzzy entropy measuring the blur in an image is a functional which increases when the sharpness of its argument image decreases. In this paper we consider three parameters such as the intensification parameter t, the fuzzifier h f and crossover point c  .The partially ordered set and lattice theory defined in section 2 strengthens the selection of any value in the interval [0, 1] such that the image can be enhanced. Here we verify the approximate value of c  and visual observation image enhancement in different figures. By entropy minimization technique we construct an approximation of the ideal image and for that we apply the enhancement operation to the low contrast image. This can be done by an optimization process that minimizes a criterion function.


 1. Introduction
 2. Use of fuzzy sets in image processing and approximation studies
 3. Image Enhancement
  3.1 Image Enhancement as an Inverse Problem
 4. Transformation of fuzzy sets for Image Enhancement
 5. Proposed Algorithm
 6. Algorithm for image enhancement
 7. Use of Lagrange multipliers in the Optimization function
 8. Computational Complexity and Enhancement measure
 9. Conclusions


  • Sasi Gopalan School of Engineering, Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT)
  • Madhu S Nair Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kochi, Kerala, India
  • Souriar Sebastian St. Alberts College, Kochi, Kerala, India


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