

Intelligent Feedback System (IFS) in Tele-Learning Environment



This paper describes the innovative Learner Intelligent Feedback System (IFS) in terms of a set of three agent: Interface Agent (IFA), Information Agent(IMA), and Intelligence Agent(ILA). The agent can deduce the correct answers to test questions and provide intelligent feedback and hints to the learner. The intelligent feedback system is : Firstly, system presents content in initial learning style. Secondly, learner takes a diagnostic test. Thirdly, system analyzes user performance. Fourth, system identifies concept deficiencies and chooses the best learning model. Finally, system dynamically creates a remedial course tailored to the learner. The learner takes the remedial course, at the end of which is another test. If the learner still does not get the concept, he or she is returned to another dynamically generated course presented in a different learning style. At the same time the tutor agent notifies that one of her students is having trouble. The Tutoring agents are the driving engine of the system. Their main tasks are to generate appropriate learning feedbacks for learners and provide new learning problems and advanced situations. IFS can be used for complete course training, including test from a remote site.


 1. Introduction
 2. Description
  2.1. Learning Styles
  2.2. Intelligent Feedback
  2.3. Student Model
 3. IFS Configuration
 4. Agent Description
  4.1. InterFace Agent(IFA)
  4.2. InforMation Agent(IMA)
  4.3. IntelLigence Agent(ILA)
 5. ILA (Tutoring Agent) Description
  5.1. Tutoring Agent
  5.2. Feedback diagnosis
  5.3. Tutoring Behavior Process
 6. Conclusion


  • Joung-Souk Sung Department of Computer Engineering, BaekSeok Culture University


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