

Data Compression Algorithm based on Hierarchical Cluster Model for Sensor Networks



A new distributed algorithm of data ccompression based on hierarchical cluster model for sensor networks s proposed, the basic ideas of which are as follows, firstly the whole sensor network is mapped into a kind f hierarchical clusters model, and then different wavelet transform models are used to commit data ompression in inner and super clusters respectively, according to the relative regularity of sensor nodes eployed in the inner clusters, and the relative irregularity of sensor nodes deployed in super cluster. heoretical analyses and simulation results show that, the above new methods have good performance of pproximation, and can compress data and reduce the amount of data efficiently. So, it can prolong the ifetime of the whole sensor network to a greater degree.


 1. Introduction
 2. first order radio Model and hierarchical cluster Model of sensor networks
  2.1. First Order Radio Model
  2.2. Hierarchical Cluster Model
 3. data compression algorithm based on the hierarchical cluster model
  3.1. Data Compression in Inner Clusters
  3.2. Data Compression in Super Clusters
  3.3. Integrated Data Compression Algorithm based on the Hierarchical Cluster Model
 4. Experimental Result
 5. Conclusion And Future Works
 7. Preferences


  • Wang Lei Department of Electronic Information & Electrical Engineering Fujian University of Technology
  • Wang Tongsen Department of Electronic Information & Electrical Engineering Fujian University of Technology
  • Yang Ronghua Department of Electronic Information & Electrical Engineering Fujian University of Technology


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