Many applications in vehicular networks need the data to be disseminated from a source vehicle to a large umber of vehicles in the network. Although many solutions to this problem have been previously proposed y the research community, some challenges and failure scenarios still remain unsolved particularly when the orwarding vehicle is located at an intersection and it wants to disseminate the data to all the intersecting oad segments. In this paper, we first evaluate some of the previously proposed directional mode (along the traight roads) data dissemination mechanisms and then integrate the one with the best performance with our ovel reliable robust intersection mode data dissemination mechanism in order to come up with a united echanism for disseminating data both along the straight roads and at intersections. The effectiveness of our roposed mechanism is verified by performance evaluations.
1. Introduction
2. Directional Mode Data Dissemination Mechanisms
3. Intersection Mode Data Dissemination Mechanisms
4. Proposed Enhanced Intersection Mode Data Dissemination Mechanism
5. Conclusion and future work