

A Study on Data Gathering based on Agent for APC in FA



This paper presents a data gathering for Advanced Process Control (APC) in FA (Factory Automation). It s important that the gathered data in FA to control all the processing, to be a predictive maintenance of quipments and manage products. We gathered the entire data of all in FA through Equipment Engineering ystem (EES) and analyzed that to control a processing, predict the next processing and manage the various hings for the enhancement of productivity, overall equipment efficiency, product yield and quality. And we nabled APC to operate micro process control by gathering data from the process control system not only in he current process in real time but also in past process through back-tracking of products [1, 5]. So, we ontrol micro process based on the acquired data using simulating functionality using APC. This simulation roduces the outcome of the data analysis and the operation of micro process control that leads to reduce rrors. The proposed the data gathering system based on agent brings an efficient management of micro rocess control in automated processing. It is optimized in the semi-conductor and the flat panel display FPD) industry.


 1. Introduction
 2. MES and EES
 3. Gathered Data by Agent in EES
 4. Analysis of the Gathered Data
 5. Conclusion


  • Youn-Gyou Kook 1School of Information Technology, Korea University of Technology and Education
  • Jae-Oh Lee 1School of Information Technology, Korea University of Technology and Education
  • Woon-Yong Kim Dept. of Digital Contents Development GangWon Provincial College


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