피인용수 : 0건 (자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)
In this paper, application of SLMM to a case was described. Because SLMM consultants considered the arget of SLMM as a virtual laboratory in commercial company, it may be difficult to say this result can e applied to real one in same way. But this case study will give enough information about the real pplication of SLMM to real company, and many people can understand how to modify and use SLMM according to heir own environment.
1. Introduction and Related Information
2. Security Level Decision
2.1 Definition of Threat Level
2.2 Definition of Asset Level
2.3 Definition of Security Level
3. Selection of Security Practices
3.1 Security Management Part
4. SL3 Requirements
4.1 Level Feature for Management Part
4.2 Level Feature for Technology Part
5. Conclusion
1. Introduction and Related Information
2. Security Level Decision
2.1 Definition of Threat Level
2.2 Definition of Asset Level
2.3 Definition of Security Level
3. Selection of Security Practices
3.1 Security Management Part
4. SL3 Requirements
4.1 Level Feature for Management Part
4.2 Level Feature for Technology Part
5. Conclusion
자료제공 : 네이버학술정보