

Data Modeling of Wf-XML Resource Model for Run-Time Integration of Workflow Engine



A series of business process in which customers, suppliers , business partners cooperate one another and hare information can be frequently found in e-commerce. Wf-XML(workflow-XML) is the language defining ML-based protocol suggested for the mutual interoperability of workflow engine, as an asynchronous web ervice protocol. The paper suggests the model facilitat-ing business partners to comprehend the workflow for their interoperability and cooperation by modeling the resource model provided by Wf-XML through ML diagram in order to interoperability different workflow engines. For this, this paper defines the mapping rule to convert Wf-XML document to UML class diagram and collaboration diagram, and suggests a echnique to model each entity of Wf-XML resource model to a class diagram and the interaction between entities to a collaboration diagram.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Studies
 3. Asynchronous Web Service Protocol
  3.1 ASAP
  3.2 Wf-XML
 4. Data Modeling about Wf-XML Resource model
  4.1 Wf-XML Resource Type Entity modeling
  4.2 Wf-XML Interaction Resource Entity modeling
 5. Conclusion and further works


  • Myung-Ju Shin Division of Electronic and Information Engineering, Chonbuk National University
  • Jin-Sung Kim Division of Electronic and Information Engineering, Chonbuk National University
  • Dong-Soo Kim Division of Electronic and Information Engineering, Chonbuk National University
  • Yong-Sung Kim Division of Electronic and Information Engineering, Chonbuk National University


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