

Embedded System Software Testing Based On SOA For Mobile Service



Recently, the need for accessing information from anywhere at any time has been a driving force for a variety of mobile applications. As the number of embedded systems increases rapidly, there has been a growing demand for the use of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for various applications. Embedded system service offers a systematic way to classify and assess technical realizations of business processes. But embedded system has restricted range of utilizing services in computing environment and more, a mobile computer is envisioned to be equipped with more powerful capabilities, including the storage of a small database, the capacity of data processing, a narrow user input and small size of display. This paper present embedded system software testing based on SOA to overcome mobile restriction. To improve embedded system efficient we analyzing mobile application requirement, writing service specification, optimizing design, providing extended use case specification which test use case testing and testing service test case which derived from
service specification.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Studies
  2.1 SOA Service Specification
  2.2 Mobile Service Design
  2.3 Testing SOA
 3. Testing of SOA based Embedded system Application
  3.1 Business Model Analysis
  3.2 Embedded System Service Identification and Specification
  3.3 Embedded System Service Interoperability Testing Design
 4. Implementation and Testing
  4.1 Embedded System Service Implementation
  4.2 Embedded System Service Testing
 5. Conclusion


  • Myung-Hee Lee Computer Science Chonbuk National University
  • Cheol-Jung Yoo Computer Science Chonbuk National University
  • Ok-Bae Jang Computer Science Chonbuk National University


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