Many mobile applications have evolved from simple HTML pages to complex service-oriented applications hat have high maintenance cost. This high maintenance cost is due to the heterogeneity of mobile pplications, to the fast mobile evolution and to the fast-moving market which imposes short de-velopment ycles and frequent modifications. In order to control the mainten-ance cost, quantitative metrics for redicting mobile applications’ maintaina-bility must be used. This study introduces class diagram design metrics based n Conallen’s Mobile Application Extension for UML. The study will use data from an industrial mobile pplication to show the correlation between the class diagram metrics and maintenance effort measured by the number of lines of code changed.
1. Introduction
2. Definition of UML class diagram metrics for Mobile Applications
2.1 Mobile Application Modeling using UML
3. Case Study
3.1 Case Study Context
3.2 Hypothesis
3.3 Data Collection
3.4 Results and Analysis
4. Conclusion and Future Work
5. References