

소설 창작 실습에서 문장 채집의 기능과 효과


The Functions and Effects of Sentence Collection in Novel Writing Practice


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was based on a novel writing teaching method developed to induce students etude writing in novel writing classes offered at the Department of Creative Writing. For students majoring in writing at the age of around 20 just after graduating from high school, what are required most urgently are basic skills and fluency skills in sentence. Even if they have quite an original material (story or episode), they cannot write a work approved as a novel as long as they are poor in sentences for carrying the material. The most basic one among problems that students encounter in students etude writing at the Department of Creative Writing is related to their basic skills and fluency skills in sentence. In order to solve the problem, the first requirement is having an affinity for the novel genre. If the burden of novel reading and writing is transformed to affinity, their life is also changed to be fictional. In their everyday life, they breathe with novels and share pleasures and pains with them. They always look for novels, respire novels, and dream novel writing. And this is the ultimate goal of sentence collection. Sentence collection substitutes for sentence study. In addition, depending on how to do it, sentence collection can be done in parallel with 'novel study' and 'novel writing methodology.' It can accept 'reading methods' and 'writing methods' for novels comprehensively including representative novel theories raised in the 20th century including E. M. Forster s six aspects of novel (story, characters, plot, fantasy, prophecy, pattern and rhythm), C. Brooks and R. P. Warren s three elements of novel writing (characters, plot and theme), Marthe Robert s family romance, and Rene Girard s desire of triangle. Novel study, namely, novel reading is connected to the question of how to read and novel writing is connected to the question of how to write. Through these questions, students can understand more deeply the reason for the existence of the novel genre and its value, and furthermore, can refine their abilities to create. Ultimately, this is the role of novel classes at the Department of Creative Writing in university. Like novels, sentence collection is a living world (organism) consisting of basic elements of novel such as characters, spaces, senses, the title, the first sentence and the last sentence, as well as subsidiary elements that interconnect and enrich the basic elements. In case of character collection, for example, in order to collect characters in a work, one may focus on inner descriptions or outer descriptions, or collect from a novelist's view one of relatives gathering in a family event such as the Thanksgiving Day or the New Year. In other words, sentence collection is a task that requires both observation and expression on virtual characters described elaborately in novelists works and real persons who are linked to me by blood. Through this task, students can examine closely the process through which a character in a novel is translated into sentences, how such a character persuades readers and wins their sympathy, and after all, how the work secures its aesthetics and life. Special attitudes toward novels are required of novel readers and future novel writers. They are humanity and affection. These two attitudes have absolute influence on readers view of works and writers spirit of creation. What the author expects from sentence collection is the development of attitude and eye to life and literature and, furthermore, to the world that creators should retain. The effects of sentence collection attained through the process can be summarized as follows. First, it provides an opportunity to rediscover the novel genre. Second, it forms an affinity for novels in readers so that they keep reading novels. Third, it promotes the development of sentence skills through reading. And lastly, it equips students with advanced sentence skills as well as an active and creative attitude toward novel writing. Sentence reflects the writer s temperament, spirit, sentiment and world view. It is rather difficult to recognize elaborated sentences and to be impressed by them. For this, it is essential to have a humane eye and mind to see human beings and the world. The ultimate purpose of sentence collection is to provide literature students at the age of around 20 just after graduating from high school with a method for exploring humans, literature and the world, and ultimately to induce them to write a novel, that is, a marvelous universe. The author s research on sentence collection is at its starting point. More specialized area will be established through the development and application of different in-depth approaches.


1. 소설 창작에서의 문자 채집의 필요성
 2. 문장 채집의 현장 - 자의식의 발로, 문장의 내면화 과정
 3. 문장 채집의 효과 - 창적 욕망의 고취와 도전
 4. 소설, 공들인 문장의 시적 산문


  • 함정임 Ham, Jeung-Im. 동아대 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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