

북한의 문예창작 방법론 연구 - ‘종자이론’의 형성과 발전


A Study on the Methodology of Creative Writing in North Korea - Formation and Development of‘ Jongja Theory’


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Jongja theory is the one that applies the literature theory of North Korea’s Juche Idea to the methodology of creative writing. In the literary circles in North Korea, Jongja theory is defined as the theory of Kim Jeong-Il, and as “the phenomenal event in literature history that has brought about a huge revolution in the development of literature theories and creative writing in literary works.” This thesis critically examined the core of Jongja Theory which has been discussed in North Korean literature. Jongja is defined in North Korean literary circles as follows.“ Jongja is the core of literary works and ideological kernel of living with the basis on which the writer’s basic issues and factors for figuration take root.” This researcher understood that such definition of the concept is mere enumeration of each element that is known as the structural element of literature rather than creative discovery defining the principles of creative writing. In other word, Jongja is just listing the material, theme, and ideology in one sentence. Jongja is regarded as “the core of literary works”, and the content of the core is defined as “the basic issue that the writer intends to tell”(i.e. theme) and “the basis on which factors for figuration take root”(material), and “the ideological kernel of living” (ideology) that is combined with the forms of literary works and is differentiated from ideology. This can be criticized that it is like‘ putting a fifth wheel on a coach’through the concept of “Jongja.”It can be said that creation of new language based on Juche Idea or desire for order of Juche Idea is reflected on this. This thesis examined the process in which Jongja theory was formed in the 1970s and has been settled as essential thesis of creative writing. It can be said that this is the process to trace the history of concepts. I traced how‘ the view of the leader’led by Kim Jeong-Il is reflected on Jongja theory in the course of canonizing ‘Jongja theory.’I have also revealed that a kind of biological language or agriculture centrism language has been reflected on Jongja theory, and the production of concepts in the manner of emphasizing materials, themes, and ideology has been intended. What draws our interest is that, despite the fact that establishing the theoretical issue in North Korean literature is consistent with epic literature, it is quoted far more in the lyric genre in actual application and commentary of literary works. Together with this, what can be examined critically is what kind of system of thought is placed in the ground of attitude of trying to regard literary works as an organic system. It is emphasized that Jongja is a ‘nucleus’and is a kind of latent form or possible form. The nucleus is combined with various factors (materials, themes, and ideology) and forms the characteristics of figuration. The core of such agricultural way of thinking is represented vividly in Kim Jeong- Woong’s expression that“ Jongja is what makes flowers bloom.”The thought that Jongja grows to be ‘a great literary work’is considerably botanical and hierarchical. In other words, the absolute value is given to the position of‘ Jongja’by defining that one literary work can have only one seed. This ultimately is consistent with the symbol imagined by the North Korean social system. It emphasizes the hierarchy of North Korean society by stressing the “prototype of artistic figuration”of literary works. In the core of the hierarchy,“ the leader”as the symbolic prototype of North Korean society is situated, and it can be understood that ‘Jongja theory’as the metaphorical system has been systematized by Kim Jeong-Il.


1. '종자'와 북한 문학예술의 창작 원리
 2. '종자이론'의 형성과 전개
 3. '종자이론'에 대한 비판적 이해


  • 오창은 Oh, Chang-Eun. 단국대 연구교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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