

최동호 시에 나타난 선(禪)사상과 놀이적 성격 연구


The Study of Play Aspects in the Poems Written by Choi, Dong-ho


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that play aspects can be made by poems through regarding poems as a language play. The text, Choi, Dong-ho’s poem book called Dalma playing with a ball was selected. Languistic play aspects happens by means of the content of Zen poems written by Choi, Dong-ho and mutual matching of poems in form. Here the poet turns the element of theory of nonself into that of Zen, also transforming into the nature of language play. The poet shows play mechanism by writing poems in a Zen’s way. In this study, the Zen’s pattern shown in poems written by Choi, Dong-ho appears how each element of non-self theory gets embodied and how poem writing as part of Zen’s thinking process comes by play effect. Choi, Dong-ho’s poem writing is a process of poetic performance by the theory of non-self and O-on and an example borrowed by genre form and poetic language. Here play will be made by the process of poem-writing and expressing through O-on and Zen as a factor of performing non-self. Language play or language game called poems is a play pattern. The poetic narrator Choi, Dong-ho tries to study the teaching of Zen through Dalma, coupling with the process of Zen. That is, the poet seeks to get to Zen by poem writing, turning a sort of Zen’s thinking into poems. In other words, the Zen’s way of thinking of realizing truth is the gist of poem writing and the way of expressing is poems. So, poems written by Choi, Dong-ho reflects the way color is magnified into acceptance to imaging, also imaging into awareness. The process is called Zen’s way of thinking and turns the very process into the concrete text, poems. Threfore, poems written by Choi, Dong-ho can be regarded as the method and tool of thinking to get to Zen and language collection of realization as a symbol of thinking. The world of Color brings about a kind of stir in poet’s mind. The very process is acceptance according to O-on. The process of color, acceptance, imaging is connected with imaging, repetition, recurrence as a new meaning. The poet stirs through the object and thinks about it - That’s the way of thinking and writing poems. Besides, when disintegrating the compression of thinking is construed to a genre poetry, a language form, that shows the process of thinking and positively encourages the readers to think about it and ponder on it. That is a poem of thinking process and a poem as a result as well. Here poems which is a process and a result of thinking turns into a channel to the world to communicate well by describing in a literary way. Poem writing is a kind of performing and it is related to that of acceptance of the world, Color, imaging and awareness as well. The process appears as a performance, becoming poems. In poems written by Choi, Dong-ho, the process of color, acceptance, imaging, performance and awareness is seen. In his poems, Zen is a poem and a poem is a Zen. The content which he found is Zen, all of which is awareness of all being color and emptiness. The recurrent theory, according to Buddhism, is a world where entity and non-entity remains. In his poems, the recurrent view of the world forms the core of his poems. In particular, it’s surprising that the process of Zen’s thinking coincides with play. In addition, that playing rules are similar to spirit explains that poems are accorded with Zen in a structural way. In his poems, the consciousness or awareness that entity and nonentity are all the same meaning, enlarging into children’s play, fort de for-da in a prototypical same way. According to Zigmund Freud, children shows a sort of trick of bobbin by appearing or disappearing. What man regards entity as non-entity and vice versa is a process of Zen or poems. Therefore, poems written by Choi, Dong-ho are a play by Zen and Zen’s enjoyment turns into poems. In his poems, free and natural trait are found in the poem, Dalma’s playing with a ball. That is attributable to Zen’s way of thinking stemmed from Buddhism. In a sense, his poems are a process of Zen’s way of thinking. Besides, it causes the effect of play aspects.


1. 들어가는 말
 2. 무아론과 선 사상
 3. 오온의 요소로 본 최동호의 시
 4. 최동호 시의 선(禪)사상과 놀이적 성격
 5. 나가는 말


  • 권성훈 Kwon, Sung-Hun. 경기대 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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