

‘주체 지향성의 시’ 창작 교육 시론(試論)


A study on the poetry writing education by the subject-oriented imagery


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is on the view that poetry education would be accomplished only by associating the comprehension of a poetic text and appreciating with a producing new text. Modern poetry can be classified into subject, language and object oriented poetry by writing-subject’s view. This classification can be explained as a suitable image characteristic for each oriented poetry. Among the classification, this study suggests a series of education process which purpose is to produce new text by associating the understanding of characteristic of subject-oriented poetry and analyzing·interpreting a following poetic text as a reading process through the understanding of characteristic of subject-oriented imagery. This process is suggested through educational process model that explains the poetry-writing associated the process of ‘reading text’ with the process of ‘subject-oriented poetry-writing.’and This study also shows the practical examples about applying of this theory on site education. The reading process and creating new text takes 8 steps. The reading process is performed in the sequence of ‘selection of text’, ‘inquiry of reading hypothesis’, ‘concrete application of reading system’, ‘hypothesis testing’, ‘overall reading and signifying of text’,‘ selection of poetic object in created text’,‘ yielding creative text and reviewing of created text.’The last three steps are the specific poetry creating process. This process needs detailed flowchart and contents. These flows and contents follow ‘the testing of poetic language of reading-text’, ‘the selection of poetic object’, ‘the creating poem & prose of experience’, ‘the simple image of poetic object’, ‘the simple image of poetic object’, ‘the image of associations & illusions’, ‘the comprehensive composing of poem and titling’, ‘the yielding new poetic text’, and ‘the modification and completion of creation.’ The subject-oriented poem has to show the writing-subject’s inner reflection. The writing-subjects is needed not only to mature his spirit but also to consider and settle his view of life into something through poetic experience. Nevertheless, the reading process of poetic text using‘ image’, can generate interest of imagery.


1. 문제 제기 및 연구 목적
 2. '주체 지향성의 시' 텍스트 독해와 연계된 시 창작 단계
 3. '주체 지향성의 시' 창작 과정의 내용
 4. '주체 지향성의 시' 창작 과정의 실제
 5. 결론


  • 김명철 Kim, Myung-Cheol. 고려대 박사과정 수료


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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